E-business is the new mantra of businesses in today’s world and its advantages vary on the type of business or organisation based on their products or services. As the saying goes , one man food is another man poison so strategy that is best for firm A might be the least efficient for firm B.
E-business gives a business/firm the opportunity to open its portal to the global market and become a part of the global business community. The most important feature of e-business is that the helps businesses move on to the international scene at minimal cost but with maximum efficiency. Some Advantages includes:
1. The use of e-business technologies to support the achievement of existing strategic objectives like reducing costs as well as enabling new strategic objectives like cost effective customisation.
2. Applying the technologies in ways that will enable both product and process innovations, thus assisting firm in its quest to gain a significant edge over its competitors.
3. To develop effective organisational structures and to better manage technical and organisational change
4. To establish processes that will enable the rapid development in organisation
5. It helps Implement proactive measures that are both repeatable and sustainable.
6. E-business makes business or firms more competitive.
7. It helps to accelerate, steer and integrate all business activity and goals.
8. Provides a corporate framework for ensuring a business makes the most of opportunities to meet goals.
9. E-business helps achieve unprecedented levels of success in the business.
10. Using E-business, coordination and integration between the wholesaler and retailer of various products.
11. Effective E-business strategy would involve better customer service which in return ensures high level of customer satisfaction.
12. E-business diverges from the traditional sphere of business by speeding up the business activities and giving a totally