seen in lingerie ads. All aerie ads now feature the hashtag #aerieReal and all models in
the ads are untouched. Now, any aerie ad shown in the store, television, magazines and
billboards feature untouched models in undergarments. Most advertsiments for womens
undergarments are modeled by young, beautiful and seemingly flawless women. Models
for these ad are retouched until they appear to have the “picture perfect” bikini body.
Yes, this might look good, but it’s not natural. Who said being natural and real isn’t
sexy? Aerie is working to try to stop the idea that “to be beautiful, you need to be a size
0”. Young women look at these flawless models …show more content…
Her body is layed out in a sexy, relaxed position and looks confident about her. The
model is clearly not trying to hide her body, but embracing it. You can see the flaws on
the model, but still see the beauty and perfection of real beauty. On the top of the ad,
it reads “The girl in this photo has not been retouched.” “The real you is sexy.” The not
in the first sentence is italized and pink. Also, the sentence “The real you is sexy” is in
pink. Emphasizing that NOT being retouched is sexy and the real you is sexy. The white
sheets, pillows and her white cover up emphasize the simplicity and natural beauty Aerie
is trying to promote. The store logo, on the bottom right hand of the ad, is also in white.
Her teeth glow with shine and radiate happiness reflected in the ad.
The ad has many elements which can loar the viewer in. On the ad, there is text
on the upper left hand and lower right hand corner. The text isn’t very bold and near the
corners because the main focus is the model and her being untouched. The ad is shot at
an angle that shows off her whole body. The angle is flattering to her figure because …show more content…
The ad gives off a relaxing,
refreshing and comforting vibe. It seems like it would feel warm and soft. The image
appears relaxing as girls should feel in their own bodies. The entire ad emphasizes
comfort and relaxation to help with the ad campaign.
Aerie has created a new way to look at modeling, that no other company has done
before. These confident and happy looking models on Aerie ads will persue viewers to
shop at these stores. The relaxed and confident themes from Aerie ads are comforting
to the viewers. If todays society, many girls have self-esteem issues and no body
confidence due to unrealistic model bodies we are consisetly exposed to. Aerie wants to
create a new meaning to what real beauty is and that everyone is beautiful in their own
skin. Most women who model for undergarments are photoshopped to the point that it
doesn’t even look like them. Girls should not strive to look like an unrealistic girls.
Confidence in girls in everything and Aerie is trying to make all girls feel beautiful.
Aeries ads are helping bring this confidence back and purusing more and more girls
to shop where you truly can feel