In this ad there are two images …show more content…
The signified is the ability to eliminate sickness during the day and to have a quality sleep during the night even if you have a cold. When one thinks of Vicks they think of satisfaction and confidence to take on the day. Through the advertisement, this idea of taking on the day is shown through the father’s can-do attitude when taking on the responsibilities of his three children. The idea of feeling comfortable comes from the father’s ability to sleep through the night peacefully while having a cold. The demotion of Vicks is a cold and flu medication, but the connotation is the idea of satisfaction and relief to the cold and flu symptoms. Through this connotation of satisfaction through an illness the consumer may feel more inclined to purchase the product. The semiotic characteristics of the ad create a compelling reason for the consumer to purchase the product, but through a strong advertisement formatting Vicks creates an even stronger …show more content…
A lifestyle format creates the idea of how using a product will shape one’s daily life and actions. Through the lifestyle format Vick’s markets how using Dayquil and Nyquil will make a father feel. The bottom picture provides the consumer information about what the product will do and gives a sense of confidence that the product will work. By showing a peaceful sleep through the night, the consumer is more comfortable knowing that Nyquil will provide them with the same feeling. For Dayquil, the father’s facial expressions reveal a can-do attitude towards the responsibilities he is taking on throughout the day. The consumer is provided with a feeling of confidence when faced with many responsibilities while being sick. Vick’s also establishes a sense of confidence through the wording of the advertisement. The idea that “Dads don’t take sick days” shows that Vicks is proven to help those who do not think they can make it through the day. There is a sense of assurance to the phrase, and the consumer will understand that the product is