Research question:
What was the effect of anaerobic respiration in different environments determined the increase in size of a dough by the temperature?
It is hypothesized that if the temperature increases the dough will become bigger and bigger.
Independent variable: (change)
• Temperature
• Height of the dough
Dependent variable: (doesn't change)
• Amount of vegetable oil
• Time
• Volume of yeast solution
Control variables:
Variable How do we control
Volume of a dough We use a cylinder
Volume of oil We use a measuring glass
Temperature We use a thermometer
Time We need a timer
Same cylinder size Use same size
Ingredients for making dough:
• 20g flour
• 13 cm3
Ingredients for making yeast solution:
• 16g sucrose
• 1 pkt yeast
• 500 cm3 water
1. Make a dough and split into two. Weight each ball of dough.
2. Put a small amount of vegetable oil into measuring cylinders and swirl around, then add dough and push into the cylinder, like that you can record the volume of dough.
3. Label each cylinder with your name an temperature (25C and 35C)
4. Place one cylinder in the water bath at 35C and record volume of dough every 10 min for 50 min.
5. Leave the other at room with temperature 25C and do the same.
Raw data:
Table 1 shows the volume in yeast at temperature 25*C and 35*C.
Time (min) Volume in yeast (+/- 0.5 ml) Yeast 25*C Yeast 35*C
0 20 20
5 24 33
10 29 43
15 34 41
20 35 51
25 37 42
30 35 52
35 35 39
40 37 49
45 41 39
50 38 47
Class results:
Time (min) Volume in yeast (+/- 0.5 ml) Yeast 25*C Average STDEV
0 19 20 20 20 19 19,6 0,5
5 25 24 22 24 20 23 2
10 30 29 27 30 28 28,8 1,3
15 35 33 30 34 34 33,2 1,9
20 37 33 35 35 36 35,2 1,5
25 38 36 33 38 37 36,4 2,1
30 40 34 38 35 37 36,8 2,4
35 41 34 38 35 36 36,8 2,8
40 41 35 37 36 36 37 2,3
45 41 35 37 36 36 37 2,3
50 38 35 35 36 40 36,8 2,2 Time