- Aerobics is a form of physical exercise that combines rhythmic aerobic exercise with stretching and strength training routines with the goal of improving all elements of fitness. Formal aerobics classes are divided into different levels of intensity and complexity. Aerobics classes may allow participants to select their level of participation according to their fitness level. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerobics 2. What are the benefits of aerobics? Give 5.
- Benefits of aerobic exercise: Better cardiac function Weight loss Improving mental health Strengthens the immune system Increases body resistance http://www.manageyourlifenow.com/the-20-benefits-of-aerobic-exercise/ 3. What are the do’s and don’ts in aerobics? Give 3.
- Do’s Learn how to measure your heart rate during the aerobic session. Do aerobics after your weightlifting session. Do your hard aerobic workout on an off weightlifting day or as a double session.
- Dont’s Don’t think that you can get into great shape by only exercising aerobically. Don’t do the same workout every session. Don’t skip your warm-up http://www.bazziniconditioning.com/images/Aerobic%20Exercise.pdf http://www.livestrongfitness.com/blog/dos-and-donts-of-cardio/
4. What is the difference between aerobics and zumba?
- In zumba they use Latin American steps and has elements of aerobics. The music used is of the following styles: cumbia, salsa, meringue, mambo, flamenco, chachahca, regaeton, soca, samba, hip hop music, axe music, and tango. Zumba is usually done in only an hour. Aerobics on the other hand, moves your body usually on techno music on PT/PE exercise type movements like “jumping jacks”, “v step”, “skipping”, “a step” etc. it applies the elements of fitness and emphasizes on muscle workouts and PE or PT type exercises and not dance movements.