When one is supposed to think of aerospace engineering usually two companies pop into mind. The first one is often NASA, and the second one is usually Boeing. Now the difference between NASA and Boeing is, NASA is paid for by the government and Boeing is a private company. Both provide the world with very intuitive technology for aircrafts. Both companies strive towards improving the world of aviation by experimenting with different techniques and materials for building crafts. At both of these corporations, you can have many different jobs inside of them. One of the jobs I want to strive for is being an engineer in one the departments that designs aircrafts. Since I was little, I had always looked up at the skies to see the airplanes flying past and have always thought about what it would be like to be on a team of engineers that designs these aircrafts.
Acquiring a position at an aerospace firm such as Boeing or NASA will require a wide skillset. You need to be prepared for the work conditions. You need to have a very active mind and have a good concept of design to be able to design aircrafts. You have to have a good understanding of how aerodynamics and heat resistance works. You have to have a good knowledge of what materials you're using to design a