In the beginning of the movie, when we are learning first about Charles Kane, it shows him dressed to the hilt in a very nice suit. This gave the audience the impression that he was a very powerful and important person. It also showed that he was a very wealthy person. The movie also used a wardrobe choice to express in a scene that the characters were hardworking individuals without saying so. When they first start working at the newspaper company, it shows the characters all with their shirt collars unbuttoned and bowties untied. This detail made me understand that these men had been hard at work and had been tired of working a long day. This choice in their attire helped me perceive something extra in the scene besides just seeing that they were at the office. This was a relevant detail that I retained in the scene that helped me understand what was going on in the film …show more content…
These details that were added to the movie to give the audience some background and context to better understand the actions of the characters. The film used all of the fundamental image elements to make the audience think of scenes a certain way. The sound effects gave us associative context to understand how large the scenes were, while the music gave us more aesthetic context when we feel sadness and suspense. “Citizen Kane” used these three Aesthetic choices to better communicate ideas to the