The reform will likely affect cost containment, because the increase in emergency department visits has increased in recent years and the United States is the world’s highest spender on health care. The reason the United States is one of the highest spenders of health care, is because the citizens want the highest quality of service and the shortest amount of time to wait to see the physician. The United States also offers a variety of expensive procedures and technological advancements compared to majority of countries. This puts pressure on hospitals and the staff, to treat the patients to the best of their capabilities, while adhering to their principles and responsibilities. The reform will affect public health by having all citizens have health insurance and emphasizing that all individuals are responsible for their own health. Having the best health, originally starts with the choices the individual makes, either by healthy choices or making the choices to put them at risk for health problems. The reform will affect access to care by limiting the individual's access to the physicians they want to see personally, because health care coverage is restricted on who they can see and afford. Also, with more individuals having access to insurance, that did not have it before, they are going to see physicians on health related problems that …show more content…
The alternatives for the previous information listed, are hard to decipher, because everything associated with the reform of health care is a sensitive and time-consuming situation. Individuals should have the option if they want health care or not. Some individuals either cannot afford it at the current time or they just do not want insurance for some personal reason. They should not be forced into purchasing a insurance plan or be faced with a penalty, that will affect their next tax refund if they choose not to pay it. United State citizens have the constitutional right to choose what is best for themselves and their families, without putting others in harms way. From an ethical standpoint, you have to see or hear both sides of the story. From the government’s perspective, they have their reasons for wanting all qualified citizens to have access to insurance. From the individual’s standpoint they have their personal believes, that will lead them to their final decision. The government should give the individuals the choice, without being penalized. The individuals will have to deal with the consequences of not having health insurance, when they need it, because it is their decision. We also have to stay up to date on the change of policies, with the new president elected. Things could slowly or