Lakrisha Williams
HIS 204 American History 1865
Instructor: Jason Williams
February 14, 2013
African Americans Then and Now
“If I had a thousand tongues and each tongue were a thousand thunderbolts and each thunderbolt had a thousand voices, I would use them all today to help you understand a loyal and misrepresented and misjudged people.” (Joseph C. Price)
African American history has been around for decades, the sufferings of these people were brought to this country by force, but the people managed to come together and embark change within the nation and their leaders. African Americans have made a name for themselves throughout the years by using their creativity to overcome struggles and I have chosen a few events; The Underground railroad, The Dred Scott Case, The Harlem Renaissance, the March on Washington, Barak Obama: First African American United States President, and The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, to acknowledge some of their greatest achievements. I believe that all of these events are significant because they all are fighting for equal opportunities within themselves and others across the nation. Each and every one of these events are attempting and have succeeded in changing the nation for the good, obtaining respect for their ancestors and equal rights for the African American race and the less fortunate.
The March on Washington, August 28, 1963
The March on Washington was a peaceful demonstration to promote civil rights and economic equality for African Americans. This was when the world first heard the famous Martin Luther King speech, “I Have a Dream”. Participants walked down the constitution and independence avenues, and gathered around the Lincoln Monument for prayer, songs, and speeches. This march was the largest march of all the previous marches and the first to be covered by television. It had great impact on the civil rights legislation and on the public opinion of the nation. The march attracted an
References: Ross, Shmuel (2007) Civil Rights March on Washington: All about the March on Washington, August 28, 1963. Pearson Education, Inc. Underground Railroad Underground Railroad. (2008). In the Underground Railroad: An Encyclopedia of People, Places, and Operations. Retrieved from Underground Railroad Huggins, Nathan. Harlem Renaissance. New York: Oxford University Press, 1973 Fikes, Robert (2007-2011) Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment (1932-1972). San Diego State University James H. Jones, Bad Blood: the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment (New York: Free Press, 1993); Carol A. Heintzelman, “The Tuskegee Syphilis Study and Its Implications for the 21st Century” Obama, Barack (1995, 2004)