Many people know that school sports involves a huge amount of money that should be used for academic purposes. According to an article by Amanda Ripley a school in Premont, Texas, spent “half a million dollars on bleachers,” which is only a portion of the money they spent on sports (11). When the district cut off the after school activities they realized that they saved $150,000 in one year
(Ripley 11). This shows that schools don't have to purchase expensive equipment and they could have extra money for academics. Therefore, schools should not have to pay the extra cost for these expensive sports.
Although, it's been proven that schools spend too much on sports, the schools that have gotten rid of them have also noticed that grades have improved. In the first semester without sports, a school in Premont, Texas, had “eighty percent of students passed their classes.” as compared to fifty percent with sports (Ripley 11). In the article, former quarterback in Premont, Nathan says,“there was all this extra time” for studies (Ripley 11). It is incredible that the students grades have improved without the time consuming sports in their way. This shows that students are academically improving without these after school activities.
Obviously, grades have been inadequate, but academic classes have gotten cut which is also a very big problem. In the article a high school in Premont Independent School District, sealed of their science lab due to money problems even though they have seven sports (Ripley 11). The elementary school in Premont, has not had a music teacher for many years (Ripley 11). The schools are more worried about sports than their own academical classes getting cut. This proves that academical classes are more important than having after school programs.
It is clear that schools have saved money without sports and academic classes have been added back, which grades have been developed. Schools with sports have many problems that affect money and grades which means they have no extra academical classes. Therefore, schools can save time and money without the hassle.