Some people say that abortion is killing a weak, defenceless baby and that is should never be legal in any society. But what those people might not realise, is that when abortion was illegal in Spain a few years ago, between 1972 to 1982, 8,500 number of women died because they did not want an infant and they had to carry out the medical process of abortion by themselves. Fortunately in 1982, abortion was made legal and in this way thousands of women could prevent a horrible death by having operations rather than unskilled procedures. Abortion can save thousands of lives of women and thus, should remain legal in Spain.
Imagine for a moment that you were in a situation where a choice had to be made. On one side you have the physical life of an infant and in the other you have the mental and emotional life of a mother and her unwanted child. Which side can we, as civilised humans, claim as more valued? As a moral and ethical issue, abortion is a dilemma for society.
From a historical perspective, the purpose of abortion has been undoubtedly to act as a life saver for both child and mother. In the two decades before abortion was legal in Spain, it's been estimated that about one million women per year underwent illegal abortions. In the process, thousands of Spanish women died and thousands more were severely injured. Whenever a society outlaws abortions, it induces the women to seek abortions in the back streets where they become extremely vulnerable. Thus, to prevent any more deaths, we must keep abortion legal in Spain.
Our nation is polarized over the legal, political, and moral status of abortion. The two sides of abortion include, "pro-choice" and "pro-life." In the simplest characterization, a pro-choicer would think that the decision to abort a pregnancy is to be made only by the woman and that the government has no right to interfere. A pro-lifer would think that, from the moment of conception, the embryo or fetus is alive and