The purpose of this business report is to examine Al Noor 's approach to organizational agility and resilience; looking specifically at the promotion of leadership and enterprise workforce. It explores the benefits to the organization of the implementation of a systematic plan for selecting, motivating and developing employees with the requisite skills and demonstrated behaviors to operate effectively in highly uncertain, highly unstructured environments and demonstrating how enabling this improves organizational outlook. As organizational resilience and agility is seen as a systematic property, both individual and organizational levels are explored.
In today’s global economic climate businesses need to sustain a competitive advantage to remain above the competition. It is the geopolitical uncertainty, with unprecedented changes and instability and business discontinuities that demand organizational agility and organizational resilience. Unforeseen circumstances like the terrorist acts of September 11th had adverse effects on businesses that dealt with commodities such as gold, and the company was no exception. The sudden hike in gold price resulted in the company losing millions, and the lack of agility and resilience the organization possessed meant it paid greatly with the years that followed.
Presently, in the company is undergoing major transformational changes to its corporate strategy and development, and a change that the new HR team is pushing towards is changing the way
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