
Aibileen In A Colored Person's Life

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Aibileen In A Colored Person's Life
A Colored Persons Life
Aibileen a black woman who has been taking care of white babies and cooking and cleaning most of her life since her teen years. Her mother worked as a maid and Grandmother was a slave. Aibileen took care of 17 babies her whole life the 17th baby was Mae Mobley, baby to Miss Leefolt.
Aibileen has been a maid to white families since her teenage years. Not living a regular teen life she had to take the path of a maid. Following her ancestors footsteps. Her mother was a maid and her grandmother and so on were enslaved. She currently worked for Miss Elizabeth Leefolt a woman who is influenced by other people. Building a special bond with baby Mae Mobley, yet knowing getting close could end up hurting both of them. Aibileen
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She finds taking care of white babies a closure after her own baby’s death. In the society she is only looked as a maid. She wants to be more than a maid. She accepts to write with Skeeter so she won’t see herself as a maid but as someone different through her writings. Aibileen knows of the troubles that can confront her if they ( the white people) find out she’s one of the colored maids behind writing all these stories of how the white people treat them. But she has faith, which is something no one can take away from her. That’s the only thing she can stand by since no one else is going to do that for her. She’s gone through so many struggles and heartbreaks throughout her starting with being a made and not having her own teenage life. Her faith in Jesus is big, she knows it just doesn’t happen for nothing; everything happens for a reason and she only knows that the reason for all these troubles are meant to be found out. That’s what writing is gonna do. She’s not going to be quiet anymore, she wants justice for the colored people. She wants them to think of the colored people as human like the white. Writing stories about the white people may bring them to realization that what they’re doing is wrong. With the help of Skeeter which has a degree in english and journalism, she can make the book happen. Aibileen had to drop out of junior high because she needed to help support her family and became a maid. Aibileen has been devoted to write of her experiences in her journal, when this opportunity came up of writing her own book she took out her journal and talked about all her bad experiences that didn’t include good experiences. When Skeeter was hearing of all these stories she felt hurt because she couldn’t believe how her own people would treat them. But Skeeter didn’t mind writing about all

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