Preconscious, Unconscious, Repression, Suppression, and Nonconsciousness. Preconscious in psychodynamic theory, descriptive of material that is not in awareness by focusing one’s attention. Unconscious or unavailable to awareness under most circumstances. Freud believed that some painful memories and sexual and aggressive impulses are unacceptable to us, so we automatically eject them from awareness. Suppression the deliberate or unconscious placing of certain ideas, impulses or images out from awareness. Nonconsciousness is descriptive of bodily processes, such as growing hair, of which cannot become conscious; we may recognize that our hair is growing,
Preconscious, Unconscious, Repression, Suppression, and Nonconsciousness. Preconscious in psychodynamic theory, descriptive of material that is not in awareness by focusing one’s attention. Unconscious or unavailable to awareness under most circumstances. Freud believed that some painful memories and sexual and aggressive impulses are unacceptable to us, so we automatically eject them from awareness. Suppression the deliberate or unconscious placing of certain ideas, impulses or images out from awareness. Nonconsciousness is descriptive of bodily processes, such as growing hair, of which cannot become conscious; we may recognize that our hair is growing,