Ms. Hill/2nd Hour
English 1
24 November, 2014
1962 Alcatraz Escape Research Paper
Have you ever heard about the escape from Alcatraz? On the night of June 11th, 1962 the most thought out and advanced prison escape took place.(Hopkinson). Prisoners Frank Morris, Allen West, and Brothers Clarence and John Anglin were getting ready to put the final parts of a daring escape plan into action.(Hopkinson). The challenge for the prisoners was not only getting out of the prison, but being able to row across the ocean on a makeshift boat made out of raincoats. The prisoners, for months, had chipped away at the concrete wall using tiny tools, Once the lights went out the prisoners climbed out the tiny holes and set up a secret workshop.(Hopkinson). Allen west wasn’t able to make it out of his cell so the three prisoners went on with the plane without him. Once they had reached the outside they then avoided the searchlight, and crawled quietly across the roof and scrambled down a drainpipe. They had made it out of Alcatraz. That’s just a brief summary of part of the escape at Alcatraz. No one knows if they had fully escaped and just went into hiding, nobody knows …show more content…
if they actually made it across the death defying ocean.
The main guy that escaped, his name was Frank Morris JR. he had an advanced plan to escape from Alcatraz. It was a long shot of a plan that had danger at every turn, no one actually knows if the three men escaped from the island. All that is known is that they got out of the prison, but their bodies were never found. The four men that were trying to escape had been planning their escape for several months, and then on the night of June 11th, 1962 they put their plan into action. If there was anyone who should’ve been able to escape, it would be Frank Morris JR.
Then, after their escape plan was set, to start their plan they would have to slowly chip away at the cement wall to where they made an escape tunnel that they crawled through to a secret room. That secret room was used as their workplace. The purpose of the workplace was to build the boat for escape. The only reasonable material for a boat was the raincoats the prisoners were given.(Swanson). One man by the name of Allen West was stuck in his cell and wasn’t able to escape with the other three… they proceeded on with the plan without him. They got out of their workroom and got to the roof of the prison. They crawled across the roof and managed to get past the search light and they got to the drainage pole on the side of the roof, they slid down the pole.(Swanson). At that moment they knew they had escaped Alcatraz!
Many people who had attempted an escape had drowned in the frozen waters outside of Alcatraz.(Swanson).
Alcatraz prison was presumed to be an inescapable prison or an escape proof prison. Although the prisoners are presumed dead there is a $1 million dollar bounty on the three prisoners whereabouts. The movie called Escape from Alcatraz starring Clint Eastwood as Frank Morris JR has made the infamous Alcatraz escape one of the most famous escapes from a prison in US history. The US marshals service took over the manhunt for the three escaped survivors; the case was inherited by a US Marshal by the name of Micheal Dyke. The escapees were presumed dead but the US government wanted to make sure by putting a manhunt in place for Frank Morris, and the Anglin brothers. The manhunt still continues to this
Works Cited
Hopkinson, Deborah, “Escape From Alcatraz.” Scholastic Scope, Pages 4-9. Masterfile February 20th , 2012.
Swanson, Ron “The Great Escape From Alcatraz.” The great escape from Alcatraz part1,, November 13, 2014