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The consumption of alcohol in Australia is becoming a problem, and because of irresponsible and callous drinking, Australia is in need of a more mature drinking culture. The main points in this essay discuss the issues concerning irresponsible drinking amongst teens.They include the effects of alcohol on the adolescent brain, accidents involving underage drinkers and teens delaying the consumption of alcohol for as long as possible. This essay argues that because underage drinking is becoming an epidemic in Australia, we as a country are in need of a more mature drinking culture.
Alcohol plays a major role in Australian Society; it can be a reliever, a supplement to socialise and celebrate, a source of service, or a producer of earnings (Alcohol Working Group, 2008, p2). Alcohol plays a large role in Australia’s culture; because of this the use of alcohol lacks discipline. This paper begins by discussing the effect of alcohol on the adolescent brain. It then talks about accidents that involve young people underage. Lastly it will cover teens and how they should delay the initiation of alcohol for as long as possible.
References: Alcohol Working Group (2008, September). Australia: the healthiest country by 2020. Retrieved from publishing.nsf/Content/09C94C0F1B9799F5CA2574DD0081E770/$File/alcohol-jul09.pdf D. (2007-2011). Young People and Alcohol. Young People and Alcohol, 8. ) Administrative Office of the Courts (2014) Only the Strong Survive Drug Info Clearinghouse (2002) The facts about binge drinking. Retrieved March 24, 2014, National Health and Medical Research Council (2011) Underage Drinking. Retrieved March 25, 2014 Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2008) Australian Social Trends (No. 4102.0). Retrieved 26 March, 2014 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2007) National Drug Strategy. Retrieved March 26, 2014 Australian Government; National Health and Medical Research Council (2014) Retrieved March 24, 2014 National Health and Medical Research Council (2009) Guideline 3. Retrieved March 24, 2014