In the Australian Bureau of Statistics in 1997 10,000 people had prevalence to substance abuse disorders.
Dependence - has replaced the word addiction
Harmful use has replaced the word Abuse
Australia is ranked 15TH in the world with Alcohol Abuse. France is ranked No. 1
Drug use disorders overall substance abuse 18-25 21.5% males 10.6% females
Alcohol abuse is most prevalent in these age groups, although female figures are consistently lower.
30% of the Australia Population smoke, 99% of these are also substance abusers.
It should be noted that most substance abusers poly drug use. Although heroin users don't as a rule drink alcohol when on heroin (alcohol and heroin can cause a fatal overdose.)
Cocaine (professional drug) use in Melbourne has been minimal, because Cocaine makes people hyper alert (there has not been a Cocaine overdose in Melbourne).
It appears that Cocaine is widely spread in the hospitality industry to keep people AWAKE!
HEROIN is the opposite it slows you down.
Heroin is a major concern with young mother's using/or expectant mothers, Expectant mothers on heroin can have premature spontaneous abortion. Heroin users that a pregnant may have development delays. Heroin users are usually irritable and agitated and have extreme feeding problems. With feeding there is also the nutrition issue. A large percentage of young children who's parents or parent are heroin abusers may become orphans.
Heroin addicts that are mothers have a big affect on all people around them not just themselves.
AMPHETAMINES & HALLUCINOGENS: People take risks driving
Although these do not become addictive.
When withdrawing from amphetamines there is a tendency to become violent., be grandiose, expansive, aggressive, paranoid and suspicious.