Alcohol can be found everywhere and can be used for many …show more content…
Now whether you are a underage partier or a “straight edge” kind of person doesn’t touch alcohol or drugs you have a duty. You have a duty to try and remove this mask that our society has that alcoholism is accepted amongst people but any kind of drug addiction is shunned away and treated as second class citizens. You have a duty to stand up to this view on society and how it's impacting people around you. You have a duty to not offer people help for their problems not just send them away so they are out of sight and mind. Now I am not expecting there to be a mass prohibition of alcohol and everyone parading with free marijuana, that was not the point of this speech. The point of this speech was to help show everyone that alcohol is addicting and that there are far more problems than what the general public is shown. If you were to take anything away from my speech let it be that you shouldn’t believe everything you are told and to do some research when things do not seem right. Thank