English lV CP
Cathy Threatt
30 March 2012
What can be done to help a person who is a victim of alcoholism? Alcoholism is a serious problem in today’s society. It is very important that the public, including the large groups of people who abuse alcohol has the knowledge as much as possible about the symptoms and effects of alcoholism, but that the public also fatalities, injuries, and sees diseases caused from the use and abuse of alcohol. The reasons that an alcoholic victim uses alcohol are sad. The person might use alcohol because of depression, problem in his/her life, and stress. There is a difference between someone having a drink every once in a while and a person who is an alcoholic. Education on the effects of alcoholism can have different outcomes in the victim’s life and are the best ways for society can help lower the number of people who are addicted to alcohol. Drinking to get drunk in social situations is not the right thing to do. Driven by peer pressure by the people that the victim surrounds themselves around. This can lead to trouble and danger if out in public intoxicated. The drinker can be arrested for public intoxication and sent to jail. This also can lead to drunk driving and putting innocent people’s life in danger. If the drinker chooses to do so they should be arrested. Having loved ones being killed by drunk drivers make you look at the whole situation different. If the victim has had a drink they should call a friend or call a taxi to take them to their destination. Getting in their car and driving anywhere is not and never will be acceptable. When the victim becomes addicted to alcohol it is said that they have no self control over the addiction. They will do whatever it takes to get drinks to feed their addiction. Alcoholics may prefer beer, wine, or any other intoxicating beverages. The craving to drink has been compared to that for food when starving or water when dehydrated. As the disease progresses more and more of a person’s life becomes dedicated to drinking. Relationships fail, health is destroyed, and loss of employment occurs. Over time the health problems mount and death from liver failure is the predicted outcome. Fatty tissue builds up in the liver constricting blood flow and eventually the alcoholic drowns because of backed up fluid in the lungs. Anyone who has ever drunk an excessive amount of alcohol is familiar with the immediate effects of alcohol withdrawal. A hangover is a very mild form mainly due to loss of fluid and electrolytes. For those who have become dependent on alcohol withdrawal is much more severe even life threatening. Seriousness and extent of symptoms depends on how long the alcohol abuse has been occurring. How much alcohol is consumed on a daily basis and whether or not the victim has previously had alcohol withdrawal. Someone who has repeatedly gone under alcohol withdrawal has more severe symptoms. This occurs even when the usage hasn’t markedly increased. Just by having undergone withdrawal previously the syndrome is made worse. The goal of treatment is maintaining abstinence. There is no known way to allow someone who has been addicted to alcohol to become a normal social drinker. This is why alcoholism is said to be a life-long disease. Detoxification is the first stage of the treatment process. The objective is to remove all alcohol from the system in as safe a manner as possible. The withdrawal for the alcoholic can have serious or even life threatening medical consequences withdrawal usually requires professional supervision and is usually done in an inpatient facility. Detox will last from five to seven days depending on how dependant on alcohol a patient is at the time of admission. Therapy sessions may start along with detox in some programs. It is less effective at this time because a patient’s main concern is their physical health issues. They may also not have the mental ability to benefit from therapy during detox.