But what really goes on inside our brain when we consume alcohol that causes such effects? Once alcohol has reached the brain it can have quite a significant effect on how the brain functions. The more alcohol consumed, the further it goes into the brain, causing worse effects. A study examining thirteen (13) areas of the brain (frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, occipital lobe, basal ganglia, thalamus, limbic system, midbrain, cerebellum, insular, anterior cingulated gyrus, posterior cingulated gyrus, and paracentral) during intoxication showed decreased absolute metabolism for all thirteen (13) areas. However, there were three (3) areas which showed the greatest affect. Those were the occipital lobe, which controls vision, the cerebellum cortex which has to do with balance, attention, and movement, and then the temporal lobe which handles hearing. Alcohol interferes with communication between nerve cells in the brain by suppressing the activity of excitatory nerve pathways and increasing activity of inhibitory nerve pathways. This is why we see drunken people become sluggish in their …show more content…
They think they can control the alcohol, what they don't know it's that alcohol controls them. Second step: support from family and friends.
It's really important to get support from family and friends because the second most affected ones are the closest people to them, because they suffer when they see their loved ones under the effects of alcohol doing stupid