They tend to have a craving, or the urge to drink (McKesson 1). The desire for satisfaction is not a sign of a disease, but a sign of humanity. Ill people don 't tend to want to engage in enjoyment; they want to feel better. This is not the case with alcoholics; they tend to have "fun" being drunk and have no concern of getting better. A second symptom of alcoholism is having no strength of mind or will to stop the consumption of alcohol once it has started (McKesson 3). This perspective is totally ridiculous that any intelligent person would fall down laughing. How would anyone know if one is able to do something until he/she does it? The needless amount of drinking, even to the point of blacking out, doesn 't show the inability to say no next time. Numerous amounts of people who came close to death while drinking unexpectedly stop drinking overall and regain their lives from their bad habit with in a blink of an eye. A third symptom of an alcoholic is their Physical dependence. After an alcoholic cuts off their consumption of alcohol they may start to vomit, sweat, or shake (Alcoholism 2). This "symptom" has absolutely nothing to do with …show more content…
Alcoholism on the other hand is not a disease because it all begins with ones decision to consume alcohol. There are absolutely no cures for free will. There are no unknown or secrete reasons for an addiction, or for the causes of diseases. An addiction treatment is a false practice because when one has gone to a treatment center, the success rate for getting the one to stop drinking is slim to none (Alcohol Dependence 2). This is all because the person must have will power to stop drinking alcohol and when the person is forced to stop his consumption of alcohol, he is almost guaranteed to drink again when not being supervised. These so-called addicts become very desperate to stop their habit, which causes them to be highly open to information that is supposedly intended "help" them. They are forced to take control of their life by living an alcohol/drug free life. More than anything else, they need to hear the truth about addiction and recovery. But this is not true with today 's recovery treatment centers. They tend to tell the alcoholics what is commonly known about alcoholism, which is that this "disease" is not their fault. The majority of researches would claim that alcoholism is a disease because there are many alcohol incidents that cause the US a lot of money each year. Nearly half of all car accidents were alcohol related. Alcohol also contributes with social issues such