After learning about the history of Alexander’s conquest of the world and his engineering achievements from both the perspective of the conqueror and the conquered, I believe he should be remembered as a hero, because of these three reasons. The first reason is he showed respect for his enemies, next he was a brilliant commander and last but not least he invented very evolved things for his time.
One reason he should be remembered as a hero is because he showed respect for enemies. One example of this is the Thebans sent a message back that any Macedonians could join them to overthrow the tyrants of Greece. A second example is a woman killed his best friend and she was not apologetic and he still spared her. A third example he let people keep their religion and believe.
Reason two why he might be a hero is because he was a brilliant commander. His superiority and skilled battle strategies helped him defeat Persian force that sometimes had him out numbered by two to one; this is especially true at the battle of Issus. A second example is he took his group far upstream, using rain to cover his tracks. He crossed the river and surprised the enemies with a full scale attack. Evidence three is then Alexander sent another group of cavalry to attack the Indians from the rear, as they attacked them killed many of the elephant riders, so the elephants panicked and started to destroy more of Porus’ forces.
Reason three he might be a hero he invented very evolved things for his time. Some examples of thing he invented are the automatic door we know about this from blueprints people have found. He also invented a version of the catapult.
In conclusion I believe Alexander the great should be remembered a hero for these three reasons. The first reason is he showed respect for his enemies, next he was a brilliant commander and last but not least he invented very evolved things for his