In Document One, there is a wild horse that cannot be tamed. The horse was being taken away, but Alexander thought that the horse could be used for something better. Alexander was willing to pay full price for a wild horse. He was showing that he was willing to take the risk of getting a bad deal to get a horse that he couldn’t control. He was not sure if he couldn't tame it, which was the risk. Alexander took risks on many things. For example, when he fought in battle he would fight on the front lines. This shows that he was …show more content…
Document Two explained that Alexander’s army was crossing the desert. Everyone was miserable and “tormented by thirst,” but Alexander did not drink water. He was saving the water for his troops, and when they offered him water, he showed them that he was strong and did not need their sympathy. The water could have been used for his troops, but he also was saying that they could tough through it. Alexander shows endurance and strength in the toughest of times and when everything goes wrong.
Alexander’s strength is also shown in Document Three. In the legend of The Battle of Hydaspes, Alexander saw that he was outnumbered by the elephant cavalry so he came up with an elaborate plan. The plan confused his opponents, and was very tricky on his part. The plan worked in the end, even though they were overpowered. Alexander shows his strength mentally and physically when he made his plan and when he followed through with his plan against an elephant cavalry. Alexander acted the way he wanted his men to act, which was with wits, and strength in every