Granicus: The battle of Granicus provided a template for Alexander’s leadership style on many later battles. The tactical move was bold, reckless and innovative. Characteristics of his leadership style became apparent , even that early in his campaigning. He was, according to historian John Keegan, the epitome of the “heroic” leader, happily risking his life in the heat of the conflict alongside the men he commanded and not asking any of them to do anything that he would not do himself. Alexander had no equal in terms of bravery. Keegan said that “There is no hint, in any ancient biographies, that he ever showed fear at all, or that he appeared to feel it”. Alexander personally led his elite cavalry in the battle of Granicus even though the risks were high. Some sources say that his horse was killed almost immediately, his helmet was broken, and he was nearly killed at least once. His men appreciated his presence on the battlefield and grew to love him for his willingness to fight with them.
Before the battle even began Alexander showed his ability to lead an army to victory. The Persians had camped on the other side of the river bank of Granicus and Alexander’s second in command, Parmenio, advised Alexander to encamp where they were on the river bank. He thought it was best not to cross the river yet for a number of reasons: he said that the Macedonian army is superior and so the Persians won’t dare pitch camp against them, it would be better to cross at dawn, the river is difficult to cross as it has many deep pools and the river banks are high so they would scramble out of the river in disorder and in column which is the weakest formation and lastly they can’t afford to fail in their first battle in Asia as it will