Superman and Me
By: Sherman Alexie 2.) Sherman’s description of his father plays against the stereotypes of Native Americans because he portrays him as an educated man and an intellectual among those who appreciate literature, this is a contrast among most natives because we were taught to see Natives as lazy , moronic, drunks. 3.) The effect of Alexie’s analogy of a paragraph to a fence is to show how a paragraph
“held words” together. A fence itself are pieces of woods or metal that also hold together in order to create a more structured and stronger barrier. 4.) He is talking about himself and how he perceives himself in a shameful manner because of the stereotypes that exist in our modern world. Also instead of saying “I” or other 1st person dialogue, he uses 3rd person to talk about his personal experiences through all Natives eyes because they’ve all experienced these same doubts.
Me Talk Pretty
By: David Sedaris
1.)By basically mocking himself and his own situation. He focuses on himself and the humor of him being 41 years old in a French world full of young and vibrant people who have the confidence that he lacks. He’s almost asking himself, in a rhetorical sense, “What in the world am I doing here?!” Sedaris sees himself as sort of an odd ball and with no shame he establishes a tone of humor by pointing his own flaws and weaknesses out instead of others. 2.)Sedaris manages to make us laugh at the other students without seeming to mock or make fun of them by also making fun of himself as well and what he didn’t understand. That way it didn’t seem like he was judging anyone either. By including actual dialogue , Sedaris achieves an effect of silliness between the way he understood and didn’t understand some of the words spoken by the teacher. 3.)The way that Sedaris characterizes his teacher as “.. something completely unpredictable.” in paragraph