Some of his terminology, such as "compensation" and "inferiority complex," are used in everyday language. Individual Psychology still has its own centers, schools and work groups, but Adler's influence has permeated other psychologies. His "aggression drive" reappeared in the Ego psychology of orthodox psychoanalysis; other Adlerian echoes are found in the work of Karen Horney, Harry Stack Sullivan, Franz Alexander and Ian Suttie. Those who try to see the backward child, the delinquent, the psychopath or the psychiatric patient as a whole person are sharing Adler's viewpoint.Adler was the grandfather to Humanistic Psychology. In his later writings Adler made a shift never managed by Freud but later repeated by Maslow: he wrote less about pathology and more about health One of his theories that he started was the birth order …show more content…
Birth is a miracle. Parents have no previous experience. Retains 200% attention from both parents. May become rival of one parent. Can be over-protected and spoiled.
Likes being the center of adult attention. Often has difficulty sharing with siblings and peers. Prefers adult company and uses adult language.
Dethroned by next child. Has to learn to share. Parent expectations are usually very high. Often given resposnsibility and expected to set an example.
May become authoritarian or strict. Feels power is his right. Can become helpful if encouraged. May turn to father after birth of next child.
He has a pacemaker. There is always someone ahead.
Is more competitive, wants to overtake older child. May become a rebel or try to outdo everyone. Competition can deteriorate into rivalry.
Is "sandwiched" in. May feel squeezed out of a position of privilege and significance.
May be even-tempered, "take it or leave it" attitude. May have trouble finding a place or become a fighter of injustice.
Has many mothers and fathers. Older children try to educate him. Never