Cited: Anton, Frank R. (1980). Worker Participation; Prescription for Industrial Change. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Limited. Bovee, Courtland L and John V. Thill, et al (2006). Business in Action: Canadian Edition. Toronto: Pearson Education Canada. Das, T.P. Hari and Keith Davis (et al) (1982). Canadian Personnel Management and Human Resources. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. Grant, David and John Shields (2006). Identifying the Subject: Worker Identity as Discursively Constructed Terrain. In Hearn, Mark and Grants Michelson (Eds.) Rethinking Work; Time, Space and Discourse (page 285-307). New York: Cambridge University Press. Hatcher, Tim (1995). Worker Participation Programs in U.S. Industry: A Unionist’s Perspective. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas. Krahn, Harvey J., Graham S. Lowe and Karen Hughes (2007). Work, Industry and Canadian Society. Canada: Nelson, a division of Thomson Canada Limited. Matheson, Graig (2007). In Praise of Bureaucracy? A Dissent from Australia. Administration and Society, 39(2), 233-261. Rinehart, James W. (2006). The Tyranny of Work: Alienation and the Labour Process. Canada: Nelson, a division of Thomson Canada Limited. Wennerlind, Carl (2002). The Labour Theory of the Strategic Role of Alienation. Capital and Class, 77, 1-22.
Cited: Anton, Frank R. (1980). Worker Participation; Prescription for Industrial Change. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Limited. Bovee, Courtland L and John V. Thill, et al (2006). Business in Action: Canadian Edition. Toronto: Pearson Education Canada. Das, T.P. Hari and Keith Davis (et al) (1982). Canadian Personnel Management and Human Resources. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. Grant, David and John Shields (2006). Identifying the Subject: Worker Identity as Discursively Constructed Terrain. In Hearn, Mark and Grants Michelson (Eds.) Rethinking Work; Time, Space and Discourse (page 285-307). New York: Cambridge University Press. Hatcher, Tim (1995). Worker Participation Programs in U.S. Industry: A Unionist’s Perspective. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas. Krahn, Harvey J., Graham S. Lowe and Karen Hughes (2007). Work, Industry and Canadian Society. Canada: Nelson, a division of Thomson Canada Limited. Matheson, Graig (2007). In Praise of Bureaucracy? A Dissent from Australia. Administration and Society, 39(2), 233-261. Rinehart, James W. (2006). The Tyranny of Work: Alienation and the Labour Process. Canada: Nelson, a division of Thomson Canada Limited. Wennerlind, Carl (2002). The Labour Theory of the Strategic Role of Alienation. Capital and Class, 77, 1-22.