The war can affect you mentally because it can change how you see the world. “Then at last i stand before the brown door with it worn latch and my hand grows heavy.” Pg. 157. Just when Paul comes home he is thinking of all the memories he hand in his home town. He is Heading home, when he gets home he stood at the door. Everything feels heavy for him. He opens …show more content…
“kat has caught a splinter in the head, THere is just on little hole, it must have been a very tiny, stray splinter. but has sufficed. Kat is dead.” Pg. 291 This scene is when Paul best friend dies, Kat will not return home. THis physically and mentally hurt Paul. “They belly of on is ripped open, the guts trail out he becomes tangled in them and falls, then he stands up again.” Pg. 63 War can physically hurt you because a soldier belly is ripped open and that soldier may not make it out alive.
War can change you mentally,, physically, emotionally because of deaths, and tragic life moments. “Bertinck has a chest wound. After a while a fragment smashes away his chin, and the same fragment has sufficient forces to to tear open Leer’s hip.” Pg. 284 Paul is seeing all his friends slowly dying one by one. Paul must be emotional. “Are you sick, Mother?” Pg 155 Just this sentence makes paul more emotional because he knows that he can’t be home to take care of his mother.
Enrich Maria Remarque telling us about life in book is telling us from a first person point of view in war, how bad the condition it were, to be thankful for what you have. “But so long as it is there it will seek its own way out, heedless of the will that is within me.” Pg.265. In All Quiet On The Western Front can injure a soldier mentally, physically,