Front Desk | What are the current problems that the Front Desk is having? (multiple choice, multi-select) | ☐ System is disconnected from other departments.
☑ Too much manual intervention in the business process.
☐ Required information is not always available.
☐ Information retention is inefficient or non-existent.
☑ Poor use of available information technology resources.
☐ Insufficient use of database technology or tools.
☐ Poor communication. | | How could a proper database system and subsequent tools serve to improve the issues this department is having? (short answer) | I would tell them to set up an on-line account so the customer can go on-line and pick a time, day and enter their own information so that it is not manually print in be someone everytime they get an email. | |
Accounting | What are the current problems that Accounting is having? (multiple choice, multi-select) | ☑ System is disconnected from other departments.
☐ Too much manual intervention in the business process.
☑ Required information is not always available.
☐ Information retention is inefficient or non-existent.
☐ Poor use of available information technology resources.
☐ Insufficient use of database technology or tools.
☑ Poor communication. | | How could a proper database system and subsequent tools serve to improve the issues this department is having? (short answer) | All the department should have a way to do a spreedsheet or something to send to the account department. All the information is coming from here and there and sometimes it might get in late or might not be enter at all. | |
Housekeeping | What are the current problems that Housekeeping is having? (multiple choice, multi-select) | ☑ System is disconnected from other departments.
☐ Too much manual intervention in the business process.
☐ Required information is