By: Jackie Mikolajczyk
What is Watergate? Watergate is the biggest political scandal in The United
States history. It included various activities to help President Richard Nixon win re-
election in 1972. Watergate also resulted in Nixon 's resignation from presidency in
1974. June 17, 1972 a security guard notified the police that a door lock was taped at the
Washington 's Watergate. Three officers responded to the call and found five burglars in
suits with rubber gloves on, hundred dollar bills in sequence in their pockets and with
electronically devices, in Larry O 'Briens office. In this paper I will determine if
Woodward and Bernstein stayed within acceptable limits. Three specific areas in which
acceptable limits should be looked at are the 25,000-dollar check to Kenneth H.
Dahlberg, the attempts to get Donald Segretti to go "on the record" and the naming of
Haldeman to the grand jury by Hugh Sloan. I do not think in most of the cases
Woodward and Bernstein were within acceptable limits.
A 25,000-dollar check was deposited in a bank account of Bernard L. Barker.
Barker was one of the five burglars. A Florida bank made out the check to Kenneth H.
Dahlberg. Dahlberg said he turned the check over to Maurice Stans. Dahlberg said he
has no idea how the check got into Barkers bank account. When the Washington Post
examined a photocopy of the check, they found out the "First Bank and Trust Co. of Boca
Raton in Florida made out the check to Dahlberg" (Internet, Lukas). According to court
testimony by government prosecutors, Barker 's bank account in which the 25,000 dollar
check was deposited was the same account from which Barker later withdrew a large
number of hundred dollar bills. "About 53 of these 100-dollar bills were found on the
five men after they were arrested at the Watergate" (Internet, Lukas). I think that in
Cited: Hoof, Joan. Nixon Reconsidered. Basic Books; New York, 1991. Pakula, Alan J, director. All The President 's Men." Warner Communications and Wildwood Enterprises, 1976. J. Anthony Lukas, "Watergate," World Book Online Americas Edition,, November 6, 2000.