
The Lottery Research Paper

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The article I chose to do my reaction paper on is the shooting death of the person who won the lottery. His name was Craigory Burch Jr and he was 20 years old. He won nearly half a million dollars from the Georgia lottery Fantasy 5 in November. After I watched the video and read the article I felt really bad for Craigory and his family. The man went from being lucky winning the lottery, to now being cursed from it. This New Year just got started, and now his family has to bury him over senseless violence and greed. People shouldn’t be dying young like that. This is personal for me, because he is the same age as me. I am 20 also about to be 21, and to see someone my age cut down so short of their life. This made me think you really
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Some envious of Craigory saw an opportunity to rob him of his winnings. He wining yes was lucky and wonder. The main problem it, but a big bullseye on his back with a green dollar sign. Scrolling down I saw his face with his name in big letters with the big check. It honestly invited trouble into his home for someone to rob him. People can recognize who he is, and figure out where his stays at. Finding him equals finding the lottery ticket. The example of Victim Precipitation Theory was shown in this article. The picture of him on the news, and where ever it was shown initiated the victimization.
Craigory also became an easy target, because all of his love ones where there. The robbers knew he would be easy to scare since his children where there. Figure he would be willing to give up the money to protect them at all cost. The robbers of course were right on their assumption. Craigory gave him his pants with the wallet. Robbers thinking he would be vulnerable with is kids around it would be easy to take the money.
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There were so many key factors that may have played a role in his killing. In the beginning of the article on what I previously stated earlier his face was shown with the check. It really went downhill for him. Where the robbers plotted to, or at least think about it. One thing of the many things could have been done is to not have the winner face on mass media. It is just asking for trouble. You are inviting the whole world into his life when doing it. I realize some states want to see you with the check. Tax purposes because we all know he doesn’t keep all of the money. Uncle Sam takes his percentage out, and so does state and local. Even so I don’t understand why you have to broadcast his or anyone’s

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