In the Allegory of the Cave, Plato and Glaucon are learning where nature is on the path of enlightenment from Socrates. Plato and Glaucon wonder “how far our nature is enlightened …show more content…
The returning prisoner is wanting to tell the other about there being another better world out there than just the cave. The newly educated of the outside cave, Socrates says “when he remembered his old habitation, and the wisdom of the den and his fellow-prisoners” (202) that being the main reason for the prisoner to return. The thing that prevent this individual from tell the others, the prisoner has been so use to the outside world the prisoner was blinded due to the change in different amount of light from outside of the cave. Socrates points out that people who return to their past life to tell the lower individuals are metaphorically blinded by thoughts of there being a better life. These individuals did have competitions in the cave to prove who is the most intelligent by seeing who could name the current and future images projected on the cave wall from the light source. As Socrates is teaching at glaucon is starting to shape that the path to enlightenment is different for everyone whether their enlightenment is realizing that nothing is better than the cave or that their is a potential for a better life outside of that cave they just have to find it. Socrates teaches plato that the journey to enlightenment is a way to get to better way of living than what each individual currently is in and to never return to their past life.
As Socrates is teaching this hypothetical figure to Plato and Glaucon, Socrates starts to talk about how there has been some cases with major powers have started the journey to enlightenment. Socrates tells his students that the major powers, when on the path to enlightenment, should never return to their past life due to the power being blinded like the one individual who was dragged out of the cave. now at this time Socrates is being put on trial for death row for influencing his students way of