Divina S. Fernandez RN, MAN
Cancer – A neoplastic disorder that can involve all body organs. Cells lose their normal growth-controlling mechanism, and the cell growth is uncontrolled.
– Cancer produces serious health problems such as impaired immune and hematopoietic (blood producing) function, altered gastro-intestinal tract structure and function, motor and sensory deficits, and decrease respiratory function.
– Cancer cell moves out from their original location to other sites
Routes of Metastasis
Local Seeding – distribution of shed cancer cells occurs in the local area of the primary tumor.
Blood-Bourne metastasis – tumor cells enter the blood, which is the most common cause of cancer spread.
Lymphatic spread – primary sites rich in lymphatics are more suscepticble to early metastatic spread.
Cancer Classification
Solid Tumors – associated with the organs from which they develop, such as breast cancer or lung cancer
Hematological Cancer – originate from blood cell-forming tissues, such as the leukemias and lymphomas
Factors that Influence Cancer Development
Environmental Factors
a) Chemical Carcinogen – factors include industrial, chemical, drugs and tobacco
b) Physical Carcinogen – factors include ionizing radiation (diagnostic and therapeutic x-rays) and ultraviolet radiation (sun, tanning beds, and germicidal lights), chronic irritation, and tissue trauma.
c) Viral Carcinogen – viruses capable of causing cancer are known as oncoviruses (Epstein-Barr virus, hepatitis B virus, human papillomavirus)
Dietary Factors
- Factors include high-fat and low-fat diets, high animal fat intake, preservatives, contaminants and additives and nitrates.
Genetic Predisposition
- Factors include an inherited predisposition to specific cancers, inherited condition associated with cancer, familial clustering, and chromosomal aberrations.
- advancing age is