The stars making up jobs coffin or the top of Delphinus are alpha beta gamma and delta delphinus
The tail is made of epsilon delphinus
It is the 69th in size
It is highest in the sky at 10 pm august to september
Alpha delphini is a multiple star made of 7 parts A,B,C,D,E,F,and G A and G are the brightest
Alpha delphinus is 241 lightyears away
Alpha Delphini is sometimes known as Sualocin. The name was given to it by the Italian astronomer Niccolò Cacciatore. It is the Latinized version of his name, Nicolaus, spelled backwards.
Beta Delphini was given a proper name by Cacciatore. He named it Rotanev. Rotanev spelt backwards is Venator, which is the Latinized version of his family name, which means “the hunter.”
Beta delphinus is a binary …show more content…
Surrounded, Arion asked them to let him sing one last song. The sailors allowed this, and Arion’s music drew several dolphins to the ship. As he played, the dolphins swam alongside the ship and Arion decided to take a leap of faith and he jumped overboard. One of the dolphins carried him all the way back to Greece. In this version of the myth, Apollo placed the dolphin next to the constellation Lyra in the sky, and Lyra represents Arion’s lyre.
Deep sky objects
NGC 6934 a relatively large cluster near the star Epsilon Delphini. It is approximately 50,000 light years away. It was discovered by William Herschel on September 24, 1785.
NGC 6891 is a small planetary nebula located near the star Rho is 7,000 light yaers away
NGC 6905 is a small planetary nebula, bluish in is nicknamed blue flash nebula. It is 4,700 light years away
NGC 7006 is a globular star cluster located approximately 137,000 light years away in the outskirts of the Milky Way. The cluster is part of the galactic halo a region of the Milky Way spherical in shape and consisting of gas, dark matter, and the occasional star cluster. It is located close to the star Gamma