Despoiling nature to get at the tiny trickle of oil we have left won 't make any significant difference in what we pay at the pump - not now and not ever. And it won 't make our country any less dependent on foreign fuel. Our thirst for oil is bad for national security, bad for our economy and bad for the environment, America needs to say no to pumping up Big Oil 's profits and yes to forging a new clean energy economy." -"Build the Clean Energy Economy," www.nrdc.org (accessed Feb. 25, 2009).
The nation is finally realizing that the solutions to these twin crises are linked. That is because nearly everything that is good for the environment - and practically everything that is good in the fight against global warming - is a job. We can power America through this recession by repowering America with clean energy. We can create millions of jobs that will make our people wealthier and the Earth healthier. (Jones, 2008)
The U.S. renewable energy resource base is vast and practically untapped. Available wind energy resources in 12 Midwestern and Rocky Mountain states equal about 2.5 times the entire electricity production of the United States, Complete elimination of CO2 could occur as
Bibliography: Natural Resources Defense Council "Build the Clean Energy Economy," www.nrdc.org (accessed Feb. 25, 2009) ExxonMobil "Putting America 's Energy Resources to Work," www.exxonmobil.com, (June 2008) Jan. 13, 2009. (accessed July 8, 2008) Greenpeace International, European Photovoltaic Industry Association