810 East Seventh Street Chester, Pennsylvania 19013
Phone/fax 484-483-0843 Email– bigdawgsusa@clear.net
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The first thought any writer should give to a paper is not "What am I going to say?" but "Who is my audience?" You can think of the audience of your Humanities paper as an informed and intelligent fellow student. Ultimately, of course, most essays are evaluated by a professor, but that professor is not a bored or sneering reader looking for a single interpretation. The professor is interested in the same work that you are writing about, probably knows a good deal about it, and wants to be persuaded by a claim that you make about your topic. You are writing to someone who knows the work at least as well as you do, so do not fill up your paper with plot summary. Your job is to remind your audience of passages in the text that provide evidence for the argument you want to create about your topic.
Organization. All college
Cited: page and find this listing: Fielding, Henry. Joseph Andrews. Ed. Martin C. Battestin. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1961.