Amanda often believed in exploring her interests so she wouldn’t be stuck in something she hated, and one of these interests became choir. While in choir, she discovered she was a talented singer, and in eighth grade, she made the Maine All-State Choir. While at the event, she met people from other schools and got to interact with them, resulting in her meeting a boy from the next town over, the rival middle school of hers.
In high school, she ended up being in the same district lines of the precedingly mentioned boy. So, she became good friends with him, and eventually started dating him. Now, this was kind of a shot in the dark for her. For awhile, she’d had a large thought that she was attracted to girls, but she tried to ignore it. However, it was hard to ignore her bad feelings after starting to date this boy. Initially, she didn’t think her disinterest was very manifest, but apparently it was, because her boyfriend started to become increasingly upset and angry with her all the time. …show more content…
Before, it was pushed down by Amanda’s disinterest and her boyfriend’s anger, but this eventually got pushed to the point where it became abusive. For almost a year, her boyfriend abused her physically and emotionally, until one night, he got caught, and Amanda was freed from the relationship. But not from the aftermath. She couldn’t quite shake him off, and eventually the story got