I highly doubt that anyone around the globe would even know the issues that face the 400 indigenous groups, without the Amazon Watch posting the documentation of what’s going on in the Amazon rainforest. Currently the Brazilian Government is building the world’s third largest dam in the Xingu River. Xingu River is one of the Amazon Rainforest main rivers. When the dam is complete, 80 percent of the river’s flow will be diverted away from the rainforest, which will be detrimental for the Amazon Rainforest’s survival. The Amazon Watch has been publicizing and documenting the impacts on indigenous and local
I highly doubt that anyone around the globe would even know the issues that face the 400 indigenous groups, without the Amazon Watch posting the documentation of what’s going on in the Amazon rainforest. Currently the Brazilian Government is building the world’s third largest dam in the Xingu River. Xingu River is one of the Amazon Rainforest main rivers. When the dam is complete, 80 percent of the river’s flow will be diverted away from the rainforest, which will be detrimental for the Amazon Rainforest’s survival. The Amazon Watch has been publicizing and documenting the impacts on indigenous and local