Ambition and its pre-dominant theme of acquisition, is being touted as the new ideal of an increasingly materialistic world. Prescribed as an indispensible prerequisite for ‘success’ it has long erased the virtue of aspiration from the minds of our youth.
Characterised by a subtle yet firm will to achieve or become, aspiration advocates the pursuit of excellence as opposed to mere success.
Can ambition and aspiration be seen as diametrically opposite manifestations of the souls needed to evolve? Which one then truly defines the human spirit?
It is said that human values do not change. But, if mutability were to be the law of life, when human thinking is at variance, values which are at cognitive level could transform. It is to be understood that in this eternal creation, uni-polarity is non-existent. Thus, ‘variance’ is in consonance with this universal law. Hence, Ambition & Aspiration, even if were to be seen as ‘diametrically opposite manifestations’, are part of us.
Ambivalent thought, prior to the debate, is that both do define ‘the human spirit’. It is the context that’s the differentiator. Perhaps at the end, a bias towards one of these ‘manifestations’ might emerge from the expressions that follow.
Is it appropriate to say that the world is being ‘increasingly materialistic’? It is, and it is all relativity. While we say that both positivity and negativity are part of creation, the nature always tends to settle towards a state of equilibrium. It is only that, given a particular time span & a specific geography, dominance of one of these manifestations ‘Ambition’ or ‘Aspiration’ is prevalent. It only seems that the time span is increasingly widening particularly for negativity. For a larger time span and a larger geographical area ‘ambition’ is prevailing amongst the youth. The equilibrium still is getting maintained by the manifestation of ‘aspiration’ in a lesser span of time but at an increased intensity.