By Armin
It is pretty hardly to see a sixteen-year-old girl, hanging around the outside nearly half past ten o'clock pm. She is Lisa who has been escaping from home for around 5 hours. Lisa does not care about how long she has been out. The only thing she considered is to run as far as she can from that rigid mother and cold family. It is not the first time that Lisa’s mother applies for extracurricular courses for Lisa without Lisa’s permission. In fact, Lisa has been tired of such diverse courses that occupy all the schedules in holiday. So her increasing pressure finally transformed the insuppressible outrage. She yelled at her mother about her harsh treatment. Her mom also shouted back and slapped on Lisa’s face heavily. Lisa rushed …show more content…
Lisa finally is not able to continue to walk down this road though she does not have a specific destination in her plan. Now the fear, starvation, exhaustion, all those negative factors like a windmill spinning in her brain, she cannot help crying on the bench along the road. In spite of she cries, she as usual consists in her brief. However, suddenly, an attractive odor sticks into Lisa’s nose and Lisa finds a small motive restaurant car in a little dark, unnoticeable pane by following the odor. She approaches it and finds that the motive car is actually a pretty big square van that can be set everywhere if the owner wants. At the one side of the car, the side part has been changed into a long square window which is the kitchen, namely cashier desk and cooking desk. The bottom of the window has been covered with more than one layer of newspaper and advertisement. Several lanterns hanging on the surface of the board which situated at the edge of the ceiling, light up this damp side with a warm impressive image. If this van had appeared in periods of war, the soldier should have gathered around it and waited the food. Inside the car, an old lady dressing a white and red cross apron, wraps a variety of flavor dumplings on a wooden table. There are different colors of plastic bowl filling with diverse chopped meat and vegetables on her left side. On the other side, it can be seen clearly that a huge boiler supported by a gas can outside the car. At the front of the window, three tables and six chairs in total are arranged tidily in two lines. Though here is nobody hanging out in this period of time, the old lady still wraps so many of raw dumplings which settled in a small refrigerator. Maybe this mobile canteen serves for the clerk who usually works late. Lisa stares at the old lady who has a brown hair and kind face. In fact, she is hungry extremely now and wishes to eat a warm and tasty dumpling soup right