Everyday American go to work to make money, this either provides for themselves or their family, and then they choose what they do with the possible “extra” money. In her article for The New York Times, Katharine Q. Seelye says, “... 72 percent of Americans in this nationwide survey said they believe it is possible to start out poor in the United States, work hard and become rich,” (1). Jay Gatsby is an example of a man who had hope for a better end goal then given to him in the start of his life. He is born under circumstances that he dislikes, and he always knew that his destiny would be to have wealth one day. Later he realizes that he might face challenges such as finding love that might distract him from living up to what he was destined to do. Even though he recovers his love that he thought was long lost, he still maintains his sophisticated and rich appeal that he strived so hard for. This is expressed when Nick says, “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past,” (Fitzgerald, 182). Although Gatsby was able to create something of himself, many others were not. Most Americans can be seen as “running on a hamster wheel” due to the fact that we can see something that we want in front of us, but many of us are not able to get at
Everyday American go to work to make money, this either provides for themselves or their family, and then they choose what they do with the possible “extra” money. In her article for The New York Times, Katharine Q. Seelye says, “... 72 percent of Americans in this nationwide survey said they believe it is possible to start out poor in the United States, work hard and become rich,” (1). Jay Gatsby is an example of a man who had hope for a better end goal then given to him in the start of his life. He is born under circumstances that he dislikes, and he always knew that his destiny would be to have wealth one day. Later he realizes that he might face challenges such as finding love that might distract him from living up to what he was destined to do. Even though he recovers his love that he thought was long lost, he still maintains his sophisticated and rich appeal that he strived so hard for. This is expressed when Nick says, “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past,” (Fitzgerald, 182). Although Gatsby was able to create something of himself, many others were not. Most Americans can be seen as “running on a hamster wheel” due to the fact that we can see something that we want in front of us, but many of us are not able to get at