This film tells the story of Derek Vinyard sometime after the Los Angeles Race Riots. An extremely bright and charismatic student, Derek is drawn into the neo-Nazi underground after his father, a firefighter, is shot and killed by a black drug dealer. Derek concludes that blacks are poverty stricken for a reason, and that they are holding back the white race and killing each other off due to what he came to believe was an innate unintelligence and lack of forethought. He becomes second in command of the Venice Beach neo-Nazi gang, The Disciples of Christ, which entices young whites to join by promising protection from predominantly Mexican and black gangs who are essentially in control of the area. He and Cameron Alexander, the number one D.O.C., eventually regain control of the boardwalk, basketball court and beach area, and maintain a large presence at the high school. Alexander uses Derek to recruit other members who the film claims have become frustrated at being attacked by other gangs of different ethnicities to them and see this as a way to defend themselves. The D.O.C. becomes a symbolic gang in Venice Beach. However, under the influence of Derek, who himself is following the orders of Cameron Alexander, the gang does not merely defend themselves from
This film tells the story of Derek Vinyard sometime after the Los Angeles Race Riots. An extremely bright and charismatic student, Derek is drawn into the neo-Nazi underground after his father, a firefighter, is shot and killed by a black drug dealer. Derek concludes that blacks are poverty stricken for a reason, and that they are holding back the white race and killing each other off due to what he came to believe was an innate unintelligence and lack of forethought. He becomes second in command of the Venice Beach neo-Nazi gang, The Disciples of Christ, which entices young whites to join by promising protection from predominantly Mexican and black gangs who are essentially in control of the area. He and Cameron Alexander, the number one D.O.C., eventually regain control of the boardwalk, basketball court and beach area, and maintain a large presence at the high school. Alexander uses Derek to recruit other members who the film claims have become frustrated at being attacked by other gangs of different ethnicities to them and see this as a way to defend themselves. The D.O.C. becomes a symbolic gang in Venice Beach. However, under the influence of Derek, who himself is following the orders of Cameron Alexander, the gang does not merely defend themselves from