While I agree that slavery made and shaped America into what it was by the time we reach the American Revolution, the impact is greater on women. Women in Colonial America we're the care takers in the sense they kept a clean home, took care of the children, and insured a happy husband. Once we reach war time. “When American men went off to fight their wives usually stayed at home. To women then fell the sole responsibility for running farms and businesses, raising children, and keeping the household together.” (1) Women who were previously kept out of these extra matters now with no choice but to keep everything going to survive and for the benefit of the families.
While the Constitution leaves regulations on slavery to the individual state in question, which was obviously a step in the direction of freedom, the Constitution in set benefits the free man. While the men of the families are on the war front women are becoming the back bone of America at home, all the while not being benefited by the document of Constitution written and set to regulate Independent America. While the Constitution does not outright deny women anything, adaptation of the context is left to those who both created it and represent it, the Government and the …show more content…
“They helped to supply the troops by sewing clothing, making blankets, and saving rags for bandages and lead for bullets. Other women on the home front organized relief for the widows and orphans of soldiers and protests against merchants who hoarded scare commodities.” (2) Beyond this several women who did not have the means or ability to remain on the home front would “drift after the troops in return for half rations, they cooked and washed for the soldiers as well as nursed them after battles, they nursed the wounded, buried the dead, and scavanged the field for clothing and equipment.”