What range of (long and short term) causes, when combined, provides a satisfactory explanation for why the American Revolution broke out in 1775?
In the period from 1756 to 1765 England was fighting the French in the Seven Years War in Europe. The English also fought the French in North America. The English won both at home and abroad, but at a high financial cost. The English government decided to make the American colonists pay for their protection against the French and help subsidise the costs of the Seven Years War. The American colonists, on the other hand, did not agree that they were vulnerable and believed they could protect themselves as they had done for the past one hundred years. So the British government passed acts such as the Townshend Revenue Act, which put a tax on tea, paper, paint, and lead. These acts forced the American colonists to pay off some of the great debt left by the Seven Years War. Some acts even allowed the British regular troops to stay in the colonists’ houses. The colonists were given no say in any one of these laws and acts. The colonists then began the outcry “No taxation without representation!” This eventually led to rebellion and the colonists went to war with Britain in 1775 in defence of their rights thus resulting in the American Revolution.
Hostilities that lead to the Seven Year War actually started in North America two years before the European war, in 1754. The American colonists helped the English fight against the French settlements and fortifications. When King George III ascended the throne in 1760 he found his treasury drained by these wars. The British had a huge debt and the British people were already being heavily taxed. The British Government decided to make the American colonists pay for their protection by imposing taxes on them. This was not popular, as the Americans had been spared the burden of paying taxes up to this point. Many immigrants had left Britain to get