The film portrays the battles between the French and English for control of North America in the seventeen hundred fifty seven, the third year of the war. Native Americans, particularly the Iroquois living in the area that the movie takes place, were the intermediaries between the two forces. The film portrayed the Iroquois as vicious warriors. The different nations of Native Americans had split allegiances between the French and British. The center of the story is the most notorious event of the French and Indian War; the so-called 'massacre' of British troops, women and children by the Hurons, General Montcalm's Indian allies, after the British surrender of Fort William Henry to the French. This is interwoven with the need for revenge on Colonel Munro by Magua. The desire for revenge is rather pumped up to keep the audience on the edge of their seats than keeping with a total historical view. The alterations were made with the Hollywood touch in mind for an epic masterpiece.
The main difference between the book and the film are the depth description and portrayal of characters. While the individual Native Americans are portrayed as such in the film, there is not really a sense