Utopian Communities and Transcendentalism
An Intricate Puzzle:
Utopian Communities and Transcendentalism
Introduction- The two American Romanticism concepts of transcendentalism and the idealism of utopian communities fit together like an intricate puzzle, but there are still many factors that differentiate them. I. Places faith in inner experience and the power of imagination a. Alike i. Could be alone and do your job ii. Reflections on your own experience iii. Working with the Earth instead of other people allows easier times of reflection iv. People to achieve religious awakening by their own efforts v. Change must be within vi. Continually renewing creative powers of the self (B-7) b. Different vii. Had communal living so that you were around other people a lot viii. Perception changed to give individual a clarified/revitalized way of seeing the world that they had partially or imperfectly known (trans idea) ix. Not to win a place in heaven, or deny oneself in order to placate a wrathful God (trans idea) x. Advocated spirituality not simplemindedness (trans) II. Shuns the artificiality of civilization and seeks unspoiled nature c. Alike xi. Both wanted to be in country and plant in the Earth xii. Got away from big cities in the New England area xiii. No church xiv. No statement of beliefs xv. No rituals d. Different xvi. Communal used greenhouses and that’s not really unspoiled nature xvii. Communal failed with farming the soil of the Earth because there were too many unexperienced farmers in too small of an area xviii. They actually created a new type of civilization that was advancing in a different way. xix. List of members (utopian) III. Champions individual freedom and the worth of the
Cited: “The Brooks Farm Community” 01 Dec 2009 <http://age-of-the-s sage.org/transcendentalism/brook- farm.html Hurley, Jennifer A. American Romanticism. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Inc., 2000 Phillips, Jerry, Ph.D., Romanticism and Transcendentalsim (1800-1860). New York: Facts on File, Inc., 2006. Robinson, David M. Natural Life. London: Cornell University Press, 2004.