Impression 1 Fact Singer (2009, America's Shame) "There are1.4 billion people living in extreme poverty. The World Bank defines extreme poverty as not having enough income to meet the most basic human needs (food, water, shelter, clothing, sanitation, health care, or education). Unicef, the United Nations Children's Fund, estimates that nearly 10 million children under 5 die each year from causes related to poverty. That's 27,000 a day -- a football stadium full of young children, dying every day."
Impression 2 Emotion and Fact Education is without a doubt a central factor in the battle against poverty. Education needs be accessible to both the rich and the poor in developed and undeveloped countries. Lack of knowledge and nation development is among some of the factors that bring about poverty. Education is also important in increasing human resources. This will help in producing more assets. Impression 3
References: Singer (2009) America 's Shame, The Chronicle of Higher Education