It was constructed by the two brothers Charles Sumner Greene and Henry Mather Greene.
It was designed originally as a winter residence for …show more content…
Voysey, Lutyens, Baillie Scott, Prior and the other English architect were first not grouped as Arts and Crafts in the twentieth century but were bold innovators in domestic designs and were known as traditionalists. They had the freedom of planning and they were very honest in using their material. But architect will not accept the challenge to create a brave new world. In which the design of houses were microcosms of deeply felt values relating the meaning of home. Before first world war the designs were styled as English free architecture but in 1910 it give a reation in favour of direct neo-classical …show more content…
These arrangements are heavily loaded and related with the romanticized nation past. The creative domestic design of Edwardian period was fusing the building with garden setting through the use of pergolas, sunken garden, pathways. And the rusticity of Arts and Crafts house are not allowed to be removed by the urbanity of the middle class users. In Hill House at Helensburgh of1903. designed for Blackie the publisher. Charles Rennie Mackintosh also designs fixtures and fittings, garden gates, outbuildings, walls, terraces and pergolas along with the houses. This was total work of art, an esthetic enchancement of all the rituals of family