“Mother Tongue” is a narrative of Tan’s life, it is written in the genre of a literacy narrative. Within her story, Tan wrote about how she chose the audience for her writing. She carefully selected those like her mother for her audience, she even stated that she had her mother read early drafts of her writing to “test” how it would be received. She knew that if her mother understood what she was reading then others within her target audience would too. I then made the connection to the literacy narrative we are writing in class. I did this because I will be sharing this with the class and I want to make sure that I am writing and speaking in tones and vocabulary that those within a college classroom could relate
“Mother Tongue” is a narrative of Tan’s life, it is written in the genre of a literacy narrative. Within her story, Tan wrote about how she chose the audience for her writing. She carefully selected those like her mother for her audience, she even stated that she had her mother read early drafts of her writing to “test” how it would be received. She knew that if her mother understood what she was reading then others within her target audience would too. I then made the connection to the literacy narrative we are writing in class. I did this because I will be sharing this with the class and I want to make sure that I am writing and speaking in tones and vocabulary that those within a college classroom could relate