As I was reading the story I felt disgusted by the way the white people severely abused the black people. I felt awful after reading what happened to them during the 1930’s and 1940’s. I felt even worse knowing the fact that racism still exist today in some place. People are still judging people by the way they appear. I sometimes still hear rappers using the “N” word in their music. People do not realize how offensive the word can be. Even if you were colored it does not give you the right to use the word because there have been people in the past that have been abused by that word.
The white people felt superior to the black people and they feel that they are dumb and stupid. They try to control the blacks by physically and verbally abusing. The whites felt that blacks are obligated to respect them and doesn’t need to respect the blacks in return. For example, the black man didn’t refer to the white men as sir so they threw an empty whisky bottle at him and threatened to run him over with his car.
I think the white people felt superior towards the black people because originally the black people were brought to America by the white by buying them in the slave market in Africa. The black people used to be their slaves and the US government tolerated slavery for many years before their freedom was granted. The white people also felt superior because the blacks have not educated and most of them are employed by the white people.
The black people didn’t complain and protest about their treatment to the state or government because they were scared that they will be hurt or killed by the white people when they protest. Most of them owe a lot to the white people because most of them get employment from the white people and they owe them some money. If they complain, they fear that they would lose their job and be jailed for not paying their credit.